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Historical Sales Report for BMW 2002 Turbo

Historical data for the BMW 2002 Turbo

Statistical data we hold for this make/model is displayed below.

Vehicle/Report Details:
Make/Model: BMW 2002 Turbo
Registration: S4M PLE
Report Date: 2016-05-03
Vehicle Statistics:
Years Made: 1973 to 1974
Number Produced: 0 vehicles
Engine Capacity: 1990 cc
Engine Type: Straight 4 OHC

What we know about BMW 2002 Turbo

In this section we aim to be as comprehensive as we can in terms of identifying current trends in the make and model you have selected by looking at recent and historical sales data. We will look at the reasons driving the valuation and whether demand is likely to be sustained and the possibility of further capital appreciation or indeed depreciation. We will look at the supply side in terms of the likely number of survivors and what impact this might have on valuation along with the demand drivers whether it is more sentiment driven or perhaps something more sustainable that should limit any downside risk to valuation. Whilst this analysis can be more of an art than a science, the aim is to identify as many factors that might influence the value of your chosen car so that we can at least identify the possible upside and potential downside risks from owning that make and model of car. It can be interesting to see how many cars have come to market in recent years and how quickly they have sold when marketed privately or what value they achieved at auction. The rarity factor will certainly have some influence on valuation, but not always, and issues such as demographics and wealth shifts of potential buyers is also have an increasing impact which is why we are seeing such an increase in the level of interest in 80s and 90s cars whilst certain areas of the pre war market are waning. It is so important to be aware of what cars are currently selling for and it can be just as easy to under-price as well as over-price a car. It is not an exact science and never will be, but having as much information to hand as you can is invaluable in arriving at a decision that could save you a lot of money and that is why spending £69.95 on one of our reports is a must if you are buying or selling a valuable classic.


In this section we look at some of the issues you need to consider when seeking out the make and model of car you have selected. We will mention any numbers that are worth looking for if we have that data available such as chassis and engine numbers so that you have the best chance of determining the provenance of a car you are buying or indeed proving the provenance of the car you are selling. We are not always going to be able to supply this information depending upon the make and model of car you have chosen, but we will arm you with as much information as we can to help you in the buying or selling process. This may well include referring you to documents and websites where there is valuable information to be found on your chosen car. It is a small price to pay to ensure you are equipped with as much information as possible.

5 Year Price History for the BMW 2002 Turbo (AVERAGE PRICE)

Previous Sales History for BMW 2002 Turbo

REG Date Year/Make/Model Price Type
UNKNOWN 16/11/2013 1974 BMW 2002 Turbo £35175 Auction
UNKNOWN - SWITZERLAND 01/04/2014 1974 BMW 2002 Turbo £37500 Private
UNKNOWN 24/07/2014 1974 BMW 2002 Turbo £37500 Private
***NIOWN 21/08/2014 1975 BMW 2002 Turbo £54800 Private
*** 1803 23/08/2014 1975 BMW 2002 Turbo £25410 Auction
UNKNOWN 07/09/2014 1974 BMW 2002 Turbo £39995 Dealer
UNKNOWN 18/08/2015 1975 BMW 2002 Turbo £77000 Dealer
*** PLE 01/01/2016 1974 BMW 2002 Turbo £99999 Private
UNKNOWN 03/10/2017 1975 BMW 2002 Turbo £109995 Dealer
UNKNOWN 11/09/2018 1975 BMW 2002 Turbo £100995 Dealer
*** 100M 06/02/2019 1974 BMW 2002 Turbo £75000 Private
UNKNOWN 13/03/2019 1975 BMW 2002 Turbo £99995 Dealer
*** 47N 20/05/2021 1974 BMW 2002 Turbo £99500 Dealer

Useful Web Links

You should find the following websites to be useful when researching this vehicle:

Within this section we will provide you with useful web links to resources and other key data that we feel might be of help to you. This will include links to any recent auction sale data and other relevant historical sales data.